Developing ‘scientists of the future’ is launched
An innovative and inspiring new approach to teaching and learning science in primary schools has been launched in the UK.
Empiribox provides teachers with access to all the equipment they need. The Primary Science Equipment Suites, with accompanying exciting Schemes of Work and Lesson Plans, is a unique concept which, the team that developed it says, will enhance the teaching and learning of science in primary schools.
“In a nutshell,” says Empiribox director Dan Sullivan, “it provides the platform for the delivery of affordable and practical science lessons throughout the year for KS2 pupils in years three to six.
“The vast majority of class teachers in K1 and KS2 have no graduate science qualifications and often no science A level qualification either,” he explains, “so they are often uncomfortable and ill-equipped to deliver high quality lessons, effectively planned and structured, and with appropriate equipment.
“Science teaching at primary school needs to be exciting and interactive. That can only happen if teachers feel confident in the science role and Empiribox makes learning fun and relevant for pupils – that’s probably its greatest benefit.”
Sullivan says the best science teaching and learning support currently available to primary schools is that provided through the STEM centers.
However, he feels there are a number of limitations to this provision, including awareness, cost, time and training.
“Empiribox provides imaginative, engaging and fun schemes of work for every teaching week over four years. Training and support for teachers is provided by trained and experienced science teacher-trainers, and there’s access to full class sets of all the latest and traditional teaching resources.”
And in addition to ongoing Continuous Professional Development in science for primary teachers, the newly-launched scheme has a number of significant advantages for pupils.
Empiribox summarises these as –
• Teaching and encouraging children to ask and test scientific questions
• Developing ‘Investigative skills’
• Stimulating enthusiasm for science
• Enhancing understanding of the ‘scientific process’ particularly the limitations of experimental design
• Enhancing literacy and numeracy through real data and experiments which they own!
“For the schools the removal of stress, time and anxiety around planning the annual science curriculum and lessons for KS2 is removed; this is very important for non-science qualified teachers.
“Empiribox improves the confidence of non-specialists in delivering effective lessons; that in turn boosts the school’s results in the core science skills they need, leading to improved league table results and greater popularity and funding,” Sullivan points out.
The Empiribox system has already been trialed in 21 schools in Norfolk, Suffolk, Kent and London.
“Enthusiasm for science is generated in children from an early age” says Sullivan, a qualified scientist and former head of secondary school science departments.
“Empiribox is designed to inspire children to continue science learning into secondary schools and beyond. It’s an excellent grounding in science for participating primary school children.
“I also believe it’s a crucial first step towards creating first-rate scientists of the future, which will help the UK to maintain a technological advantage in an increasingly competitive global market.
“Improved awareness, knowledge and teaching of science at primary level significantly enhance transition skills, knowledge and understanding for primary pupils entering secondary school.
“We have found that the most cost effective method of participation is in clusters of three schools, working together to share one trolley each per term per subject; biology, chemistry and physics.”
For further information about this release, product details, interviews and photographs, please contact Simon Brian at Epic Communications on 0116 261 6898 or 07507 554612